Asset Management Predictive Preventative Maintenance Programs

There are many types of coatings involved in this program. These are but are not limited to:

  • Coatings
  • Linings
  • FRP
  • Concrete
  • Fire Proofing
Corrosion abatement allows for up to date information to get passed to operational personal before structural integrity and efficiency are affected.

Agencies that have been using this program to organize and prioritize their coated assets include:

  • Refineries and down-stream facilities
  • Municipalities
  • Ontario clean water agency

The asset management paint program will organize and prioritize our customers coated infrastructure assets in order to  extend the facilities longevity and provide the information needed to get coating funds to areas needing attention now and in the near future. 

The key is to identify the coating systems that are starting to deteriorate and repair what is needed, before more extensive surface preparation and/or more elaborate and more expensive coating systems are needed.

A great tool for managers, supervisors, engineers and owners are the Performance Indicators that are built into the computer generated data base program against the facilities coatings deterioration level.

Everything you need to move forward with large scale Maintenance painting programs or smaller touch up painting is in this computer generated database.

Our predictive preventative maintenance programs are designed to provide long term equipment ownership, upgrade facilities, save maintenance dollars and protects your assets.

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